Source code for econlearn.tile

# Authors:  Neal Hughes <>

from __future__ import division
import numpy as np
from time import time
import sys
import pylab
from tilecode import Tilecode
from tilecode import buildgrid 

[docs]class TilecodeSamplegrid: """ Construct a sample grid (sample of approximately equidistant points) from a large data set, using a tilecoding data structure Parameters ----------- D : int, Number of input dimensions L : int, Number of tilings or 'layers' mem_max : float, optional (default = 1) Tile array size, values less than 1 turn on hashing cores : int, optional (default=1) Number of CPU cores to use (fitting stage is parallelized) offset : {'optimal', 'random', 'uniform'}, optional Type of displacement vector used Examples -------- See also -------- Notes ----- This is an approximate method: it is possible that the resulting sample will contain some points less than ``radius`` distance apart. The accuracy improves with the number of layers ``L``. Currently the tile widths are defined as ``int((b - a) / radius)**-1``, so small changes in radius may have no effect. """ def __init__(self, D, L, mem_max=1, cores=1, offset='optimal'): if D == 1 and offset == 'optimal': offset = 'uniform' self.D = D self.L = L self.mem_max = mem_max self.cores = cores self.offset= offset
[docs] def fit(self, X, radius, prop=1): """ Fit a density function to X and return a sample grid with a maximum of M points Parameters ---------- X : array of shape [N, D] Input data (unscaled) radius : float minimum distance between points. This determines tile widths. prop : float in (0, 1), optional (default=1.0) Proportion of sample points to return (lowest density points are excluded) Returns ------- GRID, array of shape [M, D] The sample grid with M < N points """ a = np.min(X, axis=0) b = np.max(X, axis=0) #Tr = int(1 / radius) #T = [Tr + 1] * self.D T = [int((b[i] - a[i]) / radius) + 1 for i in range(self.D)] self.tile = Tilecode(self.D, T, self.L, mem_max=self.mem_max , cores=self.cores, offset = self.offset) N = X.shape[0] GRID, max_points = self.tile.fit_samplegrid(X, prop) self.max_points = max_points return GRID
[docs]class TilecodeRegressor: """ Tile coding for function approximation (Supervised Learning). Fits by averaging and/or Stochastic Gradient Descent. Supports multi-core fit and predict. Options for uniform, random or 'optimal' displacement vectors. Provides option for linear spline extrapolation / filling Parameters ----------- D : integer Total number of input dimensions T : list of integers, length D Number of tiles per dimension L : integer Number of tiling 'layers' mem_max : double, (default=1) Proportion of tiles to store in memory: less than 1 means hashing is used. min_sample : integer, (default=50) Minimum number of observations per tile offset : string, (default='uniform') Type of displacement vector, one of 'uniform', 'random' or 'optimal' lin_spline : boolean, (default=False) Use sparse linear spline model to extrapolate / fill empty tiles linT : integer, (default=6) Number of linear spline knots per dimension Attributes ----------- tile : Cython Tilecode instance """ def __init__(self, D, T, L, mem_max = 1, min_sample=1, offset='optimal', lin_spline=False, linT=7, cores=4): if D == 1 and offset == 'optimal': offset = 'uniform' self.tile = Tilecode(D, T, L, mem_max, min_sample, offset, lin_spline, linT, cores)
[docs] def fit(self, X, Y, method='A', score=False, copy=True, a=0, b=0, pc_samp=1, eta=0.01, n_iters=1, scale=0): """ Estimate tilecode weights. Supports `Averaging', Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) and Averaged SGD. Parameters ----------- X : array, shape=(N, D) Input data (unscaled) Y : array, shape=(N) Output data (unscaled) method : string (default='A') Estimation method, one of 'A' (for Averaging), 'SGD' or 'ASGD'. score : boolean, (default=False) Calculate R-squared copy : boolean (default=False) Store X and Y a : array, optional shape=(D) Percentile to use for minimum tiling range (if not provided set to 0) b : array, optional, shape=(D) Percentile to use for maximum tiling range (if not provided set to 100) pc_samp : float, optional, (default=1) Proportion of sample to use when calculating percentile ranges eta : float (default=.01) SGD Learning rate n_iters : int (default=1) Number of passes over the data set in SGD scale : float (default=0) Learning rate scaling factor in SGD """ if method == 'A': sgd = False asgd = False elif method == 'SGD': sgd = True asgd = False elif method == 'ASGD': sgd = True asgd = True if X.ndim == 1: X = X.reshape([X.shape[0], 1]), Y, score=score, copy=copy, a=a, b=b, pc_samp=pc_samp, sgd=sgd, asgd=asgd, eta=eta, scale=scale, n_iters=n_iters)
[docs] def check_memory(self, ): """ Provides information on the current memory usage of the tilecoding scheme. If memory usage is an issue call this function after fitting and then consider rebuilding the scheme with a lower `mem_max` parameter. """ print 'Number of Layers: ' + str(self.tile.L) print 'Tiles per layer: ' + str(self.tile.SIZE) print 'Total tiles: ' + str(self.tile.L * self.tile.SIZE) print 'Weight array size after hashing: ' + str(self.tile.mem_max) temp = np.count_nonzero(self.tile.count) / self.tile.mem_max print 'Percentage of weight array active: ' + str(np.count_nonzero(self.tile.count) / self.tile.mem_max) mem_max = self.tile.mem_max / (self.tile.L*self.tile.SIZE) print '----------------------------------------------' print 'Estimated current memory usage (Mb): ' + str((self.tile.mem_max * 2 * 8)/(1024**2)) print '----------------------------------------------' print 'Current hashing parameter (mem_max): ' + str(mem_max) print 'Minimum hashing parameter (mem_max): ' + str(temp*mem_max)
[docs] def predict(self, X): """ Return tilecode predicted value Parameters ----------- X : array, shape=(N, D) or (D,) Input data Returns -------- Y : array, shape=(N,) Predicted values """ return self.tile.predict(X)
[docs] def plot(self, xargs=['x'], showdata=True): """ Plot the function on along one dimension, holding others fixed Parameters ----------- xargs : list, length = D List of variable default values, set plotting dimension to 'x' Not required if D = 1 showdata : boolean, (default=False) Scatter training points """ self.tile.plot(xargs=xargs, showdata=showdata)
[docs]class TilecodeDensity: """ Tile coding approximation of the pdf of X Fits by averaging. Supports multi-core fit and predict. Options for uniform, random or 'optimal' displacement vectors. Parameters ----------- D : integer Total number of input dimensions T : list of integers, length D Number of tiles per dimension L : integer Number of tiling 'layers' mem_max : double, (default=1) Proportion of tiles to store in memory: less than 1 means hashing is used. min_sample : integer, (default=50) Minimum number of observations per tile offset : string, (default='uniform') Type of displacement vector, one of 'uniform', 'random' or 'optimal' Attributes ----------- tile : Tilecode instance Examples -------- See also -------- Notes ----- """ def __init__(self, D, T, L, mem_max = 1, offset='optimal', cores=1): if D == 1 and offset == 'optimal': offset = 'uniform' self.tile = Tilecode(D, T, L, mem_max=mem_max, min_sample=1, offset=offset, cores=cores) def fit(self, X, cdf=False): N = X.shape[0] if X.ndim == 1: X = X.reshape([X.shape[0], 1]), np.zeros(N)) d = np.array(self.tile.d) w = (d**-1) / np.array(self.tile.T) adj = np.product(w)**-1 self.tile.countsuminv = (1 / N) * adj def predict(self, X): return self.tile.predict_prob(X)
[docs] def plot(self, xargs=['x']): """ Plot the pdf along one dimension, holding others fixed Parameters ----------- xargs : list, length = D List of variable default values, set plotting dimension to 'x' Not required if D = 1 """ self.tile.plot_prob(xargs=xargs)
[docs]class TilecodeNearestNeighbour: """ Fast approximate nearest neighbour search using tile coding data structure Parameters ----------- D : int, Number of input dimensions L : int, Number of tilings or 'layers' mem_max : float, optional (default = 1) Tile array size, values less than 1 turn on hashing cores : int, optional (default=1) Number of CPU cores to use (fitting stage is parallelized) offset : {'optimal', 'random', 'uniform'}, (default='optimal') optional Type of displacement vector used Examples -------- See also -------- Notes ----- This is an approximate method: it is possible that some points > than radius may be included and some < than radius may be excluded. """ def __init__(self, D, L, mem_max=1, cores=1, offset='optimal'): if D == 1 and offset == 'optimal': offset = 'uniform' self.D = D self.L = L self.mem_max = mem_max self.cores = cores self.offset= offset
[docs] def fit(self, X, radius, prop=1): """ Fit a tile coding data structure to X Parameters ---------- X : array of shape [N, D] Input data (unscaled) radius : float radius for nearest neighbor queries. Tile widths for each dimension of X are int((b[i] - a[i]) / radius) where b and a are the max and min values of X[:,i]. """ a = np.min(X, axis=0) b = np.max(X, axis=0) T = [int((b[i] - a[i]) / radius) + 1 for i in range(self.D)] self.tile = Tilecode(self.D, T, self.L, mem_max=self.mem_max , cores=self.cores, offset = self.offset), np.ones(X.shape[0]), unsupervised=True, copy=True)
[docs] def predict(self, X, thresh = 1): """ Obtain nearest neighbors (points within distance radius) Parameters ---------- X : array of shape [N, D] Query points thresh : int, (default=1) Only include points if they are active in at least thresh layers (max is L) Higher thresh values will tend to exclude the points furthest from the query point Returns ------- Y : list of arrays (length = N) Nearest neighbors for each query point """ N = X.shape[0] Y = np.array(self.tile.nearest(X, N, thresh)) #idx = Y > -0.1 #return [Y[i, idx[i,:]] for i in range(N)]
[docs]class TilecodeQVIteration: """ Solve a MDP with 1 policy variable and D state variables by Q-V Iteration Parameters ----------- D : int, Number of state variables T : list of integers, length D Number of tiles per dimension L : int, Number of tilings or 'layers' radius : float, Radius for state space sample grid beta : float in (0, 1), Discount rate ms : int, optional (default = 1) Minimum samples per tile for the Q function mem_max : float, optional (default = 1) Tile array size, values less than 1 turns on hashing cores : int, optional (default=1) Number of CPU cores to use ASGD : boolean, optional (default=True) Fit Q function by ASGD offset : {'optimal', 'random', 'uniform'}, (default='optimal') Type of displacement vector used linT : integer, optional (default=6) Number of linear spline knots per dimension Examples -------- See also -------- Notes ----- """ def __init__(self, D, T, L, radius, beta, ms=1, mem_max=1, cores=1, ASGD=True, linT=6): self.Q_f = Tilecode(D + 1, T, L, mem_max, min_sample=ms, cores=cores) self.radius = radius Twv = int((1 / self.radius) / 2) T = [Twv for t in range(D)] L = int(130 / Twv) # Initialize policy function self.A_f = Tilecode(D, T, L, mem_max = 1, lin_spline=True, linT=linT, cores=cores) # Initialize value function self.V_f = Tilecode(D, T, L, mem_max = 1, lin_spline=True, linT=linT, cores=cores) self.first = True self.D = D self.beta = beta self.CORES = cores self.asgd = ASGD
[docs] def resetQ(self, D, T, L, mem_max=1, ms=1): """ Reset the Q function Parameters ----------- D : int, Number of state variables T : list of integers, length D Number of tiles per dimension L : int, Number of tilings or 'layers' mem_max : float, optional (default = 1) Tile array size, values less than 1 turns on hashing ms : int, optional (default = 1) Minimum samples per tile for the Q function """ self.Q_f = Tilecode(D + 1, T, L, mem_max, min_sample=ms, cores=self.CORES)
[docs] def iterate(self, XA, X1, R, A_low, A_high, ITER=50, plot=False, plotdim=0, output=True, a=0, b=0, pc_samp=1, eta=0.8, maxT=60000, tilesg=False, sg_points=100, sg_prop=0.96, sg_samp=1, sgmem_max=0.4): """ Perform QV iteration given a set of training data (N state-action and state transition samples) to derive optimal value and policy functions Parameters ----------- XA : array of shape [N, D + 1] State-action samples (i.e., actions in first column, then state variables) X1 : array of shape [N, D] State transition samples (i.e., state at t+1) R : array of shape [N,] Payoff samples A_low : array of shape [N,], Lower feasible bound for action A conditional on X A_high : array of shape [N,], Upper feasible bound for action A conditional on X ITER : int, optional (default = 50) Number of iterations plot : boolean, optional (default = True) Whether to generate plots of the final value and policy function. plotdim : int in [0, D], optional (default = 0) Which state dimension to plot (other dimensions are held fixed at their mean values). a : array, optional, shape=(D) Percentile to use for minimum tiling domain (if not provided set to 0) b : array, optional, shape=(D) Percentile to use for maximum tiling domain (if not provided set to 100) pc_samp : float, optional, (default=1) Proportion of sample to use when calculating percentile ranges output : boolean, optional (default=True) Whether to print value function change updates each iteration eta : float (default=.01) ASGD / SGD learning rate maxT : int, default (default=60000) ASGD / SGD learning rate parameter tilesg : boolean, (default=False) If True then will use tilecoding to build state space sample grid else will use distance method. Tilecoding is preferred for large samples. sg_points : int, (default=100) If tilesg=False, then the number of points in the state space sample grid sg_prop : float, (default=0.96) If tilesg=True, then the proportion of points to include in the state space sample grid (set less than 1 to exclude outliers) sg_samp : float, (default=0.5) If tilesg=True, then the proportion of the sample points to use for the state space sample grid sgmem_max : float, (default = 0.4) If tilesg=True, then the mem_max (hashing) parameter of the sample grid tilecode scheme. """ tic = time() self.v_e = 0 # Value function error self.p_e = 0 # Policy function error T = XA.shape[0] self.value_error = np.zeros(ITER) if not(tilesg): grid, m = buildgrid(X1, sg_points, self.radius, scale=True, stopnum=X1.shape[0]) else: nn = int(X1.shape[0]*sg_samp) tic = time() tile = TilecodeSamplegrid(X1.shape[1], 25, mem_max=sgmem_max, cores=self.CORES) grid =[0:nn], self.radius, prop=sg_prop) toc = time() if output: print 'State grid points: ' + str(grid.shape[0]) + ', of maximum: ' + str(tile.max_points) + ', Time taken: ' + str(toc - tic) del tile points = grid.shape[0] if self.first:, np.zeros(points)), np.zeros(points)) self.first = False minpol = np.min(A_low) maxpol = np.max(A_high) if ITER == 1: precompute = False else: precompute = True # ------------------ # Q-learning # ------------------ ############ First iteration ================ j = 0 # Q values ticfit = time() Q = R + self.beta * self.V_f.predict(X1, store_XS=precompute) tocfit = time() if output: print 'Initial V prediction time: ' + str(tocfit - ticfit) # Fit Q function ticfit = time(), Q, pa=minpol, pb=maxpol , copy=True, unsupervised=precompute, sgd=self.asgd, asgd=self.asgd, eta=eta, n_iters=1, scale=1* (1 / min(T, maxT)), storeindex=(self.asgd and precompute), a=a, b=b, pc_samp=pc_samp) tocfit = time() if output: print 'Initial Q Fitting time: ' + str(tocfit - ticfit) # Optimise Q function self.value_error[0], W_opt, state = self.maximise(grid, A_low, A_high, output=output) ########### ================================= ## Remaining iterations for j in range(1, ITER): # Q values Q = R + self.beta * self.V_f.fast_values() # Fit Q function self.Q_f.partial_fit(Q, 0) # Optimise Q function self.value_error[j], A_opt, state = self.maximise(grid, A_low, A_high, output=output) # Final policy function #A_opt_old = self.A_f.predict(grid), A_opt, sgd=0, eta=0.1, n_iters=5, scale=0) A_opt_new = self.A_f.predict(grid) = np.mean((W_opt_old - W_opt_new))/np.mean(W_opt_old) toc = time() if output: print 'Solve time: ' + str(toc - tic) if plot: xargs = [np.mean(X1[:, i]) for i in range(self.D)] xargs[plotdim] = 'x' xargstemp = xargs self.A_f.plot(xargs, showdata=True) self.V_f.plot(xargstemp, showdata=True)
[docs] def maximise(self, grid, A_low, A_high, output=True): """ Maximises current Q-function for a subset of state space points and returns new value and policy functions Parameters ----------- grid : array, shape=(N, D) State space grid A_low : array, shape=(N,) action lower bound A_high : array, shape=(N,) action upper bound Returns ----------- ERROR: float Mean absolute deviation """ tic = time() A_old = self.A_f.predict(grid) X = np.vstack([A_old, grid.T]).T [W_opt, V, state, idx] = self.Q_f.opt(X, A_low, A_high) nidx = np.array([not(i) for i in idx]) if output: print 'Number of optimisation points: ' + str(len(W_opt)) V_old = self.V_f.predict(state), V, sgd=0, eta=0.1, n_iters=5, scale=0) if np.count_nonzero(V_old) < V_old.shape[0]: = 1 else: = np.mean(abs(V_old - V)/V_old) toc = time() if output: print 'Value change: ' + str(round(, 3)) + '\t---\tMaximisation time: ' + str(round(toc - tic, 4)) return [, W_opt, state]