
class econlearn.tile.TilecodeDensity(D, T, L, mem_max=1, offset='optimal', cores=1)[source]

Tile coding approximation of the pdf of X Fits by averaging. Supports multi-core fit and predict. Options for uniform, random or ‘optimal’ displacement vectors.


D : integer

Total number of input dimensions

T : list of integers, length D

Number of tiles per dimension

L : integer

Number of tiling ‘layers’

mem_max : double, (default=1)

Proportion of tiles to store in memory: less than 1 means hashing is used.

min_sample : integer, (default=50)

Minimum number of observations per tile

offset : string, (default=’uniform’)

Type of displacement vector, one of ‘uniform’, ‘random’ or ‘optimal’


tile (Tilecode instance)

Plot the pdf along one dimension, holding others fixed


xargs : list, length = D

List of variable default values, set plotting dimension to ‘x’ Not required if D = 1

class econlearn.tile.TilecodeNearestNeighbour(D, L, mem_max=1, cores=1, offset='optimal')[source]

Fast approximate nearest neighbour search using tile coding data structure


D : int,

Number of input dimensions

L : int,

Number of tilings or ‘layers’

mem_max : float, optional (default = 1)

Tile array size, values less than 1 turn on hashing

cores : int, optional (default=1)

Number of CPU cores to use (fitting stage is parallelized)

offset : {‘optimal’, ‘random’, ‘uniform’}, (default=’optimal’) optional

Type of displacement vector used


This is an approximate method: it is possible that some points > than radius may be included and some < than radius may be excluded.

fit(X, radius, prop=1)[source]

Fit a tile coding data structure to X


X : array of shape [N, D]

Input data (unscaled)

radius : float

radius for nearest neighbor queries. Tile widths for each dimension of X are int((b[i] - a[i]) / radius) where b and a are the max and min values of X[:,i].

predict(X, thresh=1)[source]

Obtain nearest neighbors (points within distance radius)


X : array of shape [N, D]

Query points

thresh : int, (default=1)

Only include points if they are active in at least thresh layers (max is L) Higher thresh values will tend to exclude the points furthest from the query point


Y : list of arrays (length = N)

Nearest neighbors for each query point

class econlearn.tile.TilecodeQVIteration(D, T, L, radius, beta, ms=1, mem_max=1, cores=1, ASGD=True, linT=6)[source]

Solve a MDP with 1 policy variable and D state variables by Q-V Iteration


D : int,

Number of state variables

T : list of integers, length D

Number of tiles per dimension

L : int,

Number of tilings or ‘layers’

radius : float,

Radius for state space sample grid

beta : float in (0, 1),

Discount rate

ms : int, optional (default = 1)

Minimum samples per tile for the Q function

mem_max : float, optional (default = 1)

Tile array size, values less than 1 turns on hashing

cores : int, optional (default=1)

Number of CPU cores to use

ASGD : boolean, optional (default=True)

Fit Q function by ASGD

offset : {‘optimal’, ‘random’, ‘uniform’}, (default=’optimal’)

Type of displacement vector used

linT : integer, optional (default=6)

Number of linear spline knots per dimension

iterate(XA, X1, R, A_low, A_high, ITER=50, plot=False, plotdim=0, output=True, a=0, b=0, pc_samp=1, eta=0.8, maxT=60000, tilesg=False, sg_points=100, sg_prop=0.96, sg_samp=1, sgmem_max=0.4)[source]

Perform QV iteration given a set of training data (N state-action and state transition samples) to derive optimal value and policy functions


XA : array of shape [N, D + 1]

State-action samples (i.e., actions in first column, then state variables)

X1 : array of shape [N, D]

State transition samples (i.e., state at t+1)

R : array of shape [N,]

Payoff samples

A_low : array of shape [N,],

Lower feasible bound for action A conditional on X

A_high : array of shape [N,],

Upper feasible bound for action A conditional on X

ITER : int, optional (default = 50)

Number of iterations

plot : boolean, optional (default = True)

Whether to generate plots of the final value and policy function.

plotdim : int in [0, D], optional (default = 0)

Which state dimension to plot (other dimensions are held fixed at their mean values).

a : array, optional, shape=(D)

Percentile to use for minimum tiling domain (if not provided set to 0)

b : array, optional, shape=(D)

Percentile to use for maximum tiling domain (if not provided set to 100)

pc_samp : float, optional, (default=1)

Proportion of sample to use when calculating percentile ranges

output : boolean, optional (default=True)

Whether to print value function change updates each iteration

eta : float (default=.01)

ASGD / SGD learning rate

maxT : int, default (default=60000)

ASGD / SGD learning rate parameter

tilesg : boolean, (default=False)

If True then will use tilecoding to build state space sample grid else will use distance method. Tilecoding is preferred for large samples.

sg_points : int, (default=100)

If tilesg=False, then the number of points in the state space sample grid

sg_prop : float, (default=0.96)

If tilesg=True, then the proportion of points to include in the state space sample grid (set less than 1 to exclude outliers)

sg_samp : float, (default=0.5)

If tilesg=True, then the proportion of the sample points to use for the state space sample grid

sgmem_max : float, (default = 0.4)

If tilesg=True, then the mem_max (hashing) parameter of the sample grid tilecode scheme.

maximise(grid, A_low, A_high, output=True)[source]

Maximises current Q-function for a subset of state space points and returns new value and policy functions


grid : array, shape=(N, D)

State space grid

A_low : array, shape=(N,)

action lower bound

A_high : array, shape=(N,)

action upper bound


ERROR: float

Mean absolute deviation

resetQ(D, T, L, mem_max=1, ms=1)[source]

Reset the Q function


D : int,

Number of state variables

T : list of integers, length D

Number of tiles per dimension

L : int,

Number of tilings or ‘layers’

mem_max : float, optional (default = 1)

Tile array size, values less than 1 turns on hashing

ms : int, optional (default = 1)

Minimum samples per tile for the Q function

class econlearn.tile.TilecodeRegressor(D, T, L, mem_max=1, min_sample=1, offset='optimal', lin_spline=False, linT=7, cores=4)[source]

Tile coding for function approximation (Supervised Learning). Fits by averaging and/or Stochastic Gradient Descent. Supports multi-core fit and predict. Options for uniform, random or ‘optimal’ displacement vectors. Provides option for linear spline extrapolation / filling


D : integer

Total number of input dimensions

T : list of integers, length D

Number of tiles per dimension

L : integer

Number of tiling ‘layers’

mem_max : double, (default=1)

Proportion of tiles to store in memory: less than 1 means hashing is used.

min_sample : integer, (default=50)

Minimum number of observations per tile

offset : string, (default=’uniform’)

Type of displacement vector, one of ‘uniform’, ‘random’ or ‘optimal’

lin_spline : boolean, (default=False)

Use sparse linear spline model to extrapolate / fill empty tiles

linT : integer, (default=6)

Number of linear spline knots per dimension


tile (Cython Tilecode instance)

Provides information on the current memory usage of the tilecoding scheme. If memory usage is an issue call this function after fitting and then consider rebuilding the scheme with a lower mem_max parameter.

fit(X, Y, method='A', score=False, copy=True, a=0, b=0, pc_samp=1, eta=0.01, n_iters=1, scale=0)[source]

Estimate tilecode weights. Supports `Averaging’, Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) and Averaged SGD.


X : array, shape=(N, D)

Input data (unscaled)

Y : array, shape=(N)

Output data (unscaled)

method : string (default=’A’)

Estimation method, one of ‘A’ (for Averaging), ‘SGD’ or ‘ASGD’.

score : boolean, (default=False)

Calculate R-squared

copy : boolean (default=False)

Store X and Y

a : array, optional shape=(D)

Percentile to use for minimum tiling range (if not provided set to 0)

b : array, optional, shape=(D)

Percentile to use for maximum tiling range (if not provided set to 100)

pc_samp : float, optional, (default=1)

Proportion of sample to use when calculating percentile ranges

eta : float (default=.01)

SGD Learning rate

n_iters : int (default=1)

Number of passes over the data set in SGD

scale : float (default=0)

Learning rate scaling factor in SGD

plot(xargs=['x'], showdata=True)[source]

Plot the function on along one dimension, holding others fixed


xargs : list, length = D

List of variable default values, set plotting dimension to ‘x’ Not required if D = 1

showdata : boolean, (default=False)

Scatter training points


Return tilecode predicted value


X : array, shape=(N, D) or (D,)

Input data


Y : array, shape=(N,)

Predicted values

class econlearn.tile.TilecodeSamplegrid(D, L, mem_max=1, cores=1, offset='optimal')[source]

Construct a sample grid (sample of approximately equidistant points) from a large data set, using a tilecoding data structure


D : int,

Number of input dimensions

L : int,

Number of tilings or ‘layers’

mem_max : float, optional (default = 1)

Tile array size, values less than 1 turn on hashing

cores : int, optional (default=1)

Number of CPU cores to use (fitting stage is parallelized)

offset : {‘optimal’, ‘random’, ‘uniform’}, optional

Type of displacement vector used


This is an approximate method: it is possible that the resulting sample will contain some points less than radius distance apart. The accuracy improves with the number of layers L.

Currently the tile widths are defined as int((b - a)  / radius)**-1, so small changes in radius may have no effect.

fit(X, radius, prop=1)[source]

Fit a density function to X and return a sample grid with a maximum of M points


X : array of shape [N, D]

Input data (unscaled)

radius : float

minimum distance between points. This determines tile widths.

prop : float in (0, 1), optional (default=1.0)

Proportion of sample points to return (lowest density points are excluded)


GRID, array of shape [M, D]

The sample grid with M < N points